SPIF Banner: library probe prototypes Jupiter Saturn
SPIF Banner: globes teacher with students Jupiter Saturn


SPIF has over a 100,000 images returned from the United States planetary exploration programs at NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

Our on-site collection encompasses images from the earliest Ranger photographs of the Moon through the most recent data returned by Cassini for Phoebe and Saturn, and the Mars Exploration Rovers. See full Mission list below.

We also have a meeting space available for conferences, mission team meetings, workshops, and presentations. The conference room sees visits from about 1,000 people annually, from individuals to group visits of 30 or more at a time.

Our collection includes materials from these NASA Missions:

In addition to hard-copy photo products, SPIF has selected images stored on magnetic tapes and CD-ROMs. There are also meteorites, spacecraft models, globes, maps, and an ever-growing collection of press release photos available for viewing.

SPIF has a computer system that allows rapid searching and selection of available images, and image display and processing software on many different platforms available for users to view and enhance planetary images.

An analog videodisc system allows users to take an initial quick look at many of the images. Digital images from virtually all missions will be available on CD-ROM, most of which will include quick-look "browse" versions of the full images.

Other equipment at SPIF include microfiche viewers, a VHS videotape system, light table, stereo viewers, and a hookup that can provide access to the NASA Select satellite channel.

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